Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday, Sunday and a Storm is Brewing

The weather channel is predicting a bad storm headed our way.  While the models show that it will cross the lakes and dump snow on us, the weather people aren't mentioning western NY as a place that is in the storm's eye.
That is fine with me. 
In the meantime, life here is placid.
Isn't that a great word, placid?
It brings up images of peace, quiet, and a worry free day.  I love it.

I'll be making coffee in a few minutes.  While it is brewing, I'll take my shower.  As my hair dries, I can savor that wonderful Sunday morning cup of coffee.
Late last night found me doing the end of month report for the shop.  It took three phone calls to shop and stock to get it right.  Gee, how was I suppose to know that $51 really meant $55?  That four dollars may not seem like a lot, but it caused a few headaches as I tried to balance the books.

Today, I'm headed for Scottsville for a card tournament.  The tournament will be fun, but having the company of Rosemary Christian and her daughter will be a delight.

Later, I hope to finish Jim Nigro's new novel, Tapestry.  Our book group will read and discuss the book at the end of February.  Jim is coming to the discussion.  It's nice to have the author of a book join us.  More about that later.

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