Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Christmas Eve was a mixed bag of pathos and joy.  Go figure! 
Soon to be born great grandson gave his mom and dad a scare when she went into contractions seven weeks early.  Fortunately, all is well.  She is home resting.
Alaska family celebrated Christmas a few days early then J.D. and Doug went off to spend Christmas touring San Fransisco while Deb and Taylor left for New Jersey to visit family.
Deb became ill on the flight from Anchorage and Seattle.  When she arrived in New Jersey, she went to the ER.  They ran tests to discover what caused the fainting spell, she was admitted.  The first good news is that they ruled out any of the "bad stuff", according to what J.D. learned.  Hopefully, she will be back with her family today with a clean bill of health.
Then there is favorite daughter, who was incognito all day yesterday.  Trying to reach her by phone was useless.  Her voice mailbox was full.  She wasn't responding to any comments or email on the computer.  It seems she left her cell phone in the car and never wondered why her phone didn't ring all day. 
The joy of Christmas Eve was that life returned to normal and all is well.  What more can one ask for on the night before Christmas?
This early Christmas morning finds me having my coffee and watching out the tower window.
It is surprising to see people coming and going this early, but they are.
The roads look clear.  The sky somewhat cloudy.
Soon, I'll see lights turn on in the neighboring houses as children awake to see what Santa brought them.

This year, I learned that FaceBook is an amazing communication tool.  This Christmas I have heard from friends, relatives, and ex co-workers from both Liveworld and Kodak.  We all have connected in a way that was impossible just a few years ago.  Each of them share a special memory with me that brings a smile. 
My Liveworld family, due to the nature of the business, are prolific online.  There isn't a hour of the day that I can't find at least one right at my fingertips.  There are many I have never met, but we are as close as if we lived right next door to each other.  That type of friendship is a true gift.

I wish you all the merriest of Christmas'.  I hope Santa is good to you. 

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